About Me

I am a Businessman to the Core. My Strengths are marketing and selecting the
right people. There`s no better proof of this than the excellent Life Partner I selected for myself.
I was inspired to use the kangaroo as the House of Patels logo when I started
the business. I saw my business as carrying goods safely, securely and with speed across the length
and breadth of India. The best example of this in nature is the kangaroo, which hops at up to 40
miles per hour with a joey, safe and secure in its pouch.
I am a Disciplined Person. I reach my office at 7am every day, two hours
before my staff starts. Today my sons emulate many of my mannerisms. They both started at the lowest
rung in the company - in the mailroom. For two years they were apprenticed to the managers.
Me and my Identity As a child itself, I began to question the value of my
education. I knew nothing about India, but knew everything about England. My brothers had already
moved back to India because they did not like England.
In every sense, England was home
for me ... that was until I decided to come home for a holiday. After meeting my mother, I decided
it was more important for me to know her than get a degree in England. I told my father I wasn't
going back. Of course, he was very upset. When it was time for me to return, my passport
conveniently went "missing". I stayed in India well beyond the last date for
admission for the new academic year.
At the time, I had only done my 0 levels and some A
levels. My father had wanted me to study and be a doctor. He was very upset with my decision to drop
Me and Starting off I knocked around Mumbai, taking up odd jobs I worked as a
salesman, a stenographer then a secretary. After that I got a job as a car salesman. In those days,
cars were all imported. My English accent helped me to sell them.
Around this time, I
met my wife Yasmin, and fell in love with her. Both families adamantly opposed the match ... [yet]
for nearly eight years, we courted. My father thought the only way he could break us up was by
cutting off my finances. My wife was also asked to choose between her family and me. She chose me
and walked out of her house. She became an air hostess with Indian Airlines.
We were
neighbours in Mumbai. I found out that every Saturday she liked going to watch a movie. After many
Saturdays of managing to buy the ticket for the seat next to her, we slowly struck up a friendship.
We have three children: two sons and a daughter. Fatherhood did not change me at all. Except for the
fact that I had to behave myself a bit to
set an example for the children.
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